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Primary Care Services at Primary Care Plus

Your Primary Care Plus provider is always your first source for diagnosis, treatment and overall wellness. Primary care medical services include:
• Routine physicals and immunizations
• Lab and diagnostic tests
• Treatment for illness and injury
• Proactive health management
• Diet, exercise and overall wellness tips


Specialized Care

If you need to see a specialist for a certain condition or to treat a specific part of your body, we’ll coordinate that care for you and connect you with all of the services that you need.


Diabetes Care Services at Primary Care Plus

If you have diabetes, trust Primary Care Plus to provide you with the quality medical care and essential support you need to manage your condition.

Successful diabetes management includes:

  • Thoughtfully choosing what, how much, and when to eat
  • Getting enough exercise
  • Checking your blood glucose
  • Taking your medicine (if prescribed)
  • Regularly scheduling and attending your medical appointments
  • Learning about diabetes 

Primary Care Plus has your diabetes care covered.

To manage your diabetes, your Primary Care Plus provider may have you check your blood glucose levels regularly. He or she may also prescribe medicine (pills, insulin, or both) to help keep your blood glucose in your target range.

Your diabetes care team is always available to help — either in person or by phone. We’ll answer your questions and provide essential guidance to help you maximize your success.


Helping you make smart food and exercise choices.

  • By learning and partnering with your healthcare team, you can take charge of when, what and how much you eat, and still enjoy some of your favorite foods.
  • When it comes to exercise, our team can help with advice on simple activities such as walking, swimming, gardening and playing with the grandkids. A little activity can go a long way toward improving energy and blood flow, which helps your diabetes treatment work better. 
What is type 2 diabetes?
When you eat, your food is broken down into a sugar called glucose. Glucose gives your body the energy it needs to work. But to use glucose as energy, your body needs insulin.

When you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make enough insulin or use it well.

Since your body’s cells can’t use the glucose from your food as energy, the glucose stays in your blood at high levels, which can cause serious problems.

There is no cure for type 2 diabetes, but it can be managed. Balancing the food you eat with exercise and medicine (if prescribed) can keep your blood glucose in a healthy range, and help you live a longer, healthier life.

Did you know?
Nearly 26 million people in the U.S. have diabetes, 7 million of whom may be undiagnosed and unaware of their condition.

More than 1 in 4 seniors (age 65 and older) suffer from diabetes.

Source: American Diabetes Association